Webiomed - Clinical decision support system

Industry/Technology: data analytics, MedTech, innovations, IT and programming, science and research

Region – Europe

Technology: HealthTech, AI, Data Analytics, Machine Learning

Industry: HealthCare

Founded: 2018

Problem solving

Predictive analytics and risk management in healthcare based on machine learning to prevent morbidity and excessive costs of medical care.

 The platform WEBIOMED is capable of: 

  • Managerial and predictive analytics for morbidity and mortality control
  • Clinical decision support for the reduction of the burden and decrease of medical errors
  • Reduction of the cost of clinical trials by analyzing routine clinical practice data
  • Development of scientific research in the field of artificial intelligence
  • Reduction of the cost of patient care and insurance claims


  • Market diversity: solution fit for healthcare managers, clinicians, pharmaceutical companies, research organizations, insurance companies
  • Automatic analysis of anonymized electronic health record and hidden diseases missed by a physician
  • Prediction of possible negative events in a patient's health, including complications of existing diseases, hospitalization, or death


  • Winner of the Data Awards 2022 and Data Fusion Awards 2022
  • Leading Russian startup in the field of AI for healthcare
  • 92% forecast accuracy