Asia FinTech Attraction Program

until 17.07.2024
Industry/Technology: data analytics, fintech, IT and programming, innovations, technologies

Regions – Asia

The program's goal is to attract innovative fintech companies from around the world to demonstrate business solutions and reach regional corporations and investors.

Focus areas

  1. FinTech.
  2. AI in the financial industry.
  3. Web3 in the financial industry.

Eligibility criteria

  1. Your project has an operational product.
  2. Your annual revenue ranges from $100,000 to $5,000,000.
  3. Your team consists of at least 5 employees (including founders).
  4. Your project has received funding of more than $1,000,000.
  5. You are targeting the Asian market within the next 18 months.


  1. Funding up to USD 3,000,000.
  2. Marketing support, including through the country's leading communication channels.
  3. Mentorship and consultations.
  4. Access to government and private accelerators/programs in Hong Kong.
  5. Access to a partner and investor ecosystem.
  6. Compensation of $1000 USD for flight tickets to attend the conference (for all semifinalists).
  7. Compensation of $1900 USD for an exhibition stand at the event.
  8. Opportunity to present your pitch (for all semifinalists).

* Part of the partner selection program is open to all qualified candidates, whether they are participating in the finals or not.