Water Technologies Startups Accelerator

until 07.01.2024
Industry/Technology: agriculture, energy, innovations, technologies

Region – North America

The program aims to promote startups in the field of water technologies.

Focus areas

Projects related to water technologies in the following areas are eligible to participate:

  • Water quality and quantity, including water and wastewater;
  • Agriculture; 
  • Watershed management;
  • Hydroenergy;
  • Devices and sensors;
  • Data management;
  • Other technologies.

Eligibility criteria

1. Your project is market-ready or in-market with early sales.

2. You have prior experience participating in accelerator programs (not mandatory, but welcomed).


1. Access to partners and 200+ water technology companies.

2. Offline events in Milwaukee.

3. Meeting with potential investors.

4. Office renting in one of the leading centers in the region, providing access to laboratories and conference rooms.

5. One-year free membership in The Water Council.